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오늘의 TOEIC Reading 공부 #2

by 돼지왕 왕돼지 2014. 4. 29.

post : 발표하다, 공표하다.

sales : 판매실적

ex) TVS Motor has posted impressive sales this year despite adverse market conditions.

critical of ~ : ~을 비난(비판)하다.

criticize sth/sb (for)  : ~을 비판하다.

ex) Wall Street analysts were highly critical of the company's aggressive investment strategies and its inability to control costs.

cattle : 소 ( 집단 )

ex) For the second consecutive year, farmers enjoyed significantly lower cattle feed prices.

come up with ~ : ~을 제안하다, 생각해내다.

originally : 원래, 처음에 

ex) The mayor himself originally came up with the idea that the area be transformed into a large outdoor art park.

be subject to 명사 : ~의 대상이다, ~당하기 쉽다.

subjective : 주관적인

ex) Venus Cosmetics should be subject to prosecution for over-exaggerating their products' ability to protect against ultraviolet rays.

emphatic : 단호한

emphasize n. : ~을 강조하다. ( no prep. )

ex) Dr. Clark, Dean of the faculty of International Studies, was very emphatic about the need for quality faculty-student interaction.

compare favorably with ~ : ~ 에 비해서 낫다.

ex) Online media compares favorably with other media and provides information more quickly.

make it a point to v. : 반드시 ~ 하다.

ex) Make it a point to always wear a smile at work.

dismal : 참담한, 울적한

ex) Last year, a dismal record low of 42% of the Rosebud population turned out for the 4th of July Picnic, but a recent poll is showing that 81% of the population is expected to attend this year.

