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오늘의 TOEIC Reading 공부 #9 & #10

by 돼지왕 왕돼지 2014. 5. 20.

precipitation : 강수, 강수량

ex) It should be a clear and warm spring day with no precipitation expected.

stance : 입장

ex) a neutral stance

gain entry : 입장하다.

ex) The Marathon's gaining entry to Cannes Film Festival is an unprecedented achievement in the ten years history of the film studio.

lucrative : 수익성이 좋은

ex) The geography of the region in particular, has proved attractive to companies wishing to gain access to the lucrative European markets.

litigate : 소송을 제기하다. 고소하다.

ground : 입장, 의견

ex) Both litigating parties are satisfied that sufficient common ground exists to reach a final settlement through negotiations.

nomination : 지명, 추천, 임명

ex) For their respective roles in Fall In Paris, Adriane Chapman and Judy Biggert have been positively recognized by the Oscar nomination committee.

tentative : 임시의

be subject to n. : ~당하기 쉬운,

contemporary : 동시대의

domesticated : 길들여진

ex) The proposed travel schedule is still considered tentative and is subject to change.

illegible : 읽을 수 없는 / legible : 읽을 수 있는

ex) illegible handwriting

unwavering : 확고한

ex) unwavering support : 확고한 지원

