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이게 나? ( 캐리커쳐 )

by 돼지왕 왕돼지 2012. 12. 4.

Somebody has drawn my figure like this..

 It has a comment, "난 귀여워" in Korean and it means "I'm cute". haha.. it is kind of ridicule. :(
I don't like that.. what's that double layered chin? stupid looking teeth?! how about the wrinkle around cheek?
( of course, all of those are undeniably describing me well... but.. but.. but!! )

 I became sulky, and she has drawn one more time for me to soothe me.

.... i'm gonna kill you~

her third trial.


I see.. stop drawing...

even though the third is the simplest but cutest one.. but, I cannot refuse that the first trial describes me best among those... haha.. 

Please try to vote as a comment which one resembles me best..
( 댓글에 어떤 것이 가장 저를 닮았는지 투표해보세요 ) 

도움이 되셨다면 손가락 꾸욱~ ( 로그인 필요 x )

